Business Tips

What’s Your Purpose

The WHY behind it all

What is your WHY? That’s a big question. Deciding to start your own business takes a leap of faith, A LOT of planning, courage, and a driving force. You may have many reasons why you started your own business, but what is the main reason or higher purpose behind it? It is important to define your purpose for your business.

When you clearly define your why, you will attract the kind of clients you want to work with. In this way, your prospects can connect with you even before their first consultation.

Our WHY at KLM is to help small business owners have a fighting chance at success in this world. It is the reason Kelly Lorenzen started this business and what drives us every single day.

A Purpose Statement

Once you know your WHY, it is a lot easier to come up with a clearly defined purpose statement. When creating your purpose statement, take the time to think about what matters most for your business.

  • Why did you start the business?
  • Does it fulfill your passion?
  • Why are you in your chosen industry?
  • Who are you serving?

Ask customers, clients, referral partners, and employees what words describe your business. Do they match with your WHY? Then craft a purpose statement using all of that input from others.

Having a purpose statement published will help your business attract the clients you want to work with. AND when others approach you that you may not want to work with or those who don’t align with your purpose, you can feel confident saying, “No, this is not a good fit for our business.”

Our Purpose

The KLM team created a written Purpose Statement recently during a Conscious Capitalism Arizona workshop series. It states, “Our purpose is to foster the growth and prosperity of small businesses in our community. Everything KLM does is to help small businesses build, grow, and sustain.”

We enable owners to get back to doing what they love about their business and bring them happiness. Our goal is to give clients exactly what they need when they need it. Whether you need help with small projects, entrepreneurial consulting or need someone to do all of your marketing, we can take it off your plate.

Feel free to reach out anytime if you need help at

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