Marketing and Branding

Image Sizes For Social Media

When it comes to image sizes for social media, there are so many different ones needed for each channel. How do you decide what size to use where? There are so many different sizes needed depending on which social channel you are on.

Whether you are using pictures or graphics in a post, uploading a profile picture, or creating your cover photo, make sure the image is the correct size. Otherwise, it gets cut off and your post/page won’t have as big of an impact on your audience.

People are less likely to look at your page or post if the picture doesn’t draw them in. So, make sure your graphic is not cut off on any device when you create and upload it.

We get asked all of the time what image sizes are needed for which social media channels. So we created infographics for each social media platform to show what size to make your graphics. 

If you don’t know how to create/format pictures, we can help. Feel free to email us anytime at or book your free consult here…

The information and pictures above were created by KLM based on research and expertise.

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